
There is a saying, "Happiness comes from within".  Another saying about happiness is "folks are usually happy as they make their minds up to be. In all honesty I think no one knows the true meaning of happiness.  Happiness is what you make it. What is happiness and what is the true meaning of happiness? There are lots of definitions to the words happiness. In the dictionary, happiness means the state of being happy.  According to Wikipedia, happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy (Wikipedia 2018) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness.  Social critic Mark Kingwell states, "everyone thinks they know something about what happiness is; very few people manage to convince anyone else that they are right ( Kingwell p.530)".

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Psychoanalyst and philosopher Adam Phillips stated, "anyone who could maintain a state of happiness, given the state of the world, is living in a delusion".  Personally to me the saying you determine your destiny, I believe the same with happiness, we as humans determine our own happiness.  Our happiness shouldn't based on what's going on in the world.  It's true that things that happen around us determines our happiness like the birth of a baby or winning the lottery, these things do not mean that a person is living in a delusion.  As humans, we are not always happy, because things do make us upset like failing a test, or loosing someone that was close to them. People are usually happy, but I don't think that people are happy everyday, because everyday life happens a person probably is upset about trying to pay a bill because they don't have the money or they are facing foreclosure. I honestly don't think these situations will make them happy.  Mark Kingwell states,  "we do not always confront happiness head on, as it were, but it is nonetheless implicit in our decisions and undertakings, the ordering principle or end of our human projects (Kingwell p.530)".   Behavior geneticist David Lykken states, "people who have to go to work in overalls on the bus can feel as happy as people who wear suits and ties and drive a Mercedes (Kingwell p 531)".  I believe that saying to be true because like I said before you determine your own happiness.  John Start Mill and Eric Hoffer think differently.  John Stuart Mill says, " ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so (Kingwell p. 531)".  Eric Hoffer says, "the search for happiness is one if the chief sources of unhappiness (Kingwell p. 530).  Everyone has their own thoughts when it comes to happiness.
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I have said it before, we as humans determine our own happiness.  Mark Kingwell said it best, he states, "you are either happy or you're not, and there is nothing that talking or writing about it is going to do to change that; indeed, nothing in your own life plans or aspirations and accomplishments will alter a built in, hard-wired capacity for contentment. Try as you might, you cannot overcome the fact that, when it comes to happiness, biology is destiny (Kingwell p.531)".

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